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Celebration Cut Short By Brock Lesnar

Roman Reigns Defeats John Cena, Retains Universal Championship

Celebration Cut Short by Brock Lesnar

Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights

In a shocking turn of events at WWE SummerSlam 2021, Roman Reigns emerged victorious over John Cena, retaining his Universal Championship. However, the celebration was cut short by the unexpected appearance of Brock Lesnar, setting up an intriguing future encounter.

The match was a back-and-forth affair, with both Superstars showcasing their incredible athleticism and determination. Reigns controlled the early stages, but Cena fought back and came close to winning on several occasions. In the end, Reigns delivered a devastating Spear to secure the victory.

As Reigns was celebrating in the ring, Lesnar's music hit, electrifying the crowd. The Beast Incarnate made his way to the ring and stared down Reigns before delivering a thunderous F-5. This sudden attack left fans stunned and wondering what the future holds for Roman Reigns and the Universal Championship.
